The Levesque Cases By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The Levesque Cases By Alfred Lambremont Webre
This was the Foreword of The Levesque Cases as originally published:
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
“This is the story of Pierre R. Levesque’s litigation in the courts of Canada and the United States. The story is written by the attorney who served as Pierre R. Levesque’s counsel of record in the United States and his legal agent in Canada. Pierre R. Levesque, the principal in these litigations, is a Canadian, born in 1951, whose family has inhabited Quebec for generations.
“Pierre R. Levesque commenced his litigation in October 1987, seeking monetary damages and an apology for the 1984 broadcast by Time Warner Inc. cable television of a film that was a deliberate character assassination. In two years of intense court battles, all on the public record, he exposed a centrally-coordinated international criminal network, extending from the highest governmental offices in the United States and Canada to media conglomerates such as Time Warner Inc., intent on destroying economic enterprise and personal liberties.
The operating goal of the network at one level appeared to be the stopping of Pierre R. Levesque’s legal claims at whatever cost. At another level, another goal: the inside takeover of governmental and media power in Canada and the United States. Further evidence suggested that the network is worldwide.
“During the two-year battle, first in U.S. federal courts at Orlando, Atlanta and Trenton, and then in Ontario courts at Belleville, Toronto and Ottawa, the image of an international criminal organization solidified, in documentary evidence, court proceedings, illegal litigation tactics by corporate and governmental counsel, an illegal arrest and detention, fraudulent and coordinated rulings by courts and governmental agencies in both countries. All key institutions had been infiltrated.
“It may come as no real surprise that the US Central Intelligence Agency and Time Warner Inc. appear to be core organizations, coordinating the network in courts, governments and media of Canada and the United States. More surprising may the evidential conclusion that high governmental officials, such as the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Canada, and the Attorney General for Ontario serve as willing executives of this clandestine network. The evidence suggests, moreover, that this international criminal network may look to a single identified individual for worldwide direction. The evidence converges on David Rockefeller, headquartered at Rockefeller Center, New York City, as that individual.“
The Levesque Cases released online
The Levesque Cases, a real life legal thriller, exposes the clandestine corruption of courts in the United States and Canada as attorney Alfred Lambremont Webre pursues legal vindication in a series of 26 cases against TIME-WARNER INC, David Rockefeller, then US President George HW Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the Rothschilds, the secret Sanhedrin Anunnaki government, and the Government of Ontario and its Children’s Aid Society against whom Alfred would win a $750 million default judgment, one of the larger in recent Canadian legal history.
Alfred’s client in The Levesque Cases was Pierre Richard Levesque, a former Canadian Custom’s Officer, who in 1973 was abducted up into Interdimensional UFO Spacecraft in a mass abduction with about 150 other members of IAM, the Institute of Applied Metaphysics, a spiritual group based in rural Ontario that the media would mis-characterize as an “Ontario wilderness cult” led by Levesque.
The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago
Now the full hidden history behind 1980 October surprise by the shadow government & Deep State can finally be revealed
A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy
Proposed 1977 Carter Extraterrestrial Communication Study"
“The 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study”
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
“The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: A Path to A Positive Future for Humanity in Our Galaxy”, As presented on July 30, 2017 at the First Annual UFO Fest & Symposium, Yelm, WA
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About Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Futurist - founder of Exopolitics, co-discoverer of the Omniverse, & Author of JOURNEY;
Alfred Lambremont Webre
“Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s principal social contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos, encapsulated in his book The Omniverse, (3) the development of the Positive Future Equation & the Ascension Hypothesis that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse.
“A graduate of Georgetown Preparatory School in classics (1960), Yale University (Industrial Administration Honors-1964), Yale Law School (International Law-1967), University of Texas (Counseling-1997) and a Fulbright Scholar (International Trade-1968), Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale University Economics Department-Taxation) & University of Texas Government Department-Constitutional Law).
Alfred has served in leadership positions in environmental protection, international law and justice, public health, exopolitics, and public broadcasting. He was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and later consultant to the Ford Foundation’s Public Interest Environmental Law program, overseeing grantees Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resource Defense Council. Alfred also served as Public Participant, Joint Public Affairs Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada
An international lawyer with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, Alfred later served as Non-Governmental representative at the United Nations (New York & Vienna) and as Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, finding the governments of Tony Blair and George W. Bush guilty of war crimes in Iraq. In public health, Alfred served as Deputy Director of the Brownsville Community Health Center, serving 90,000 annual patient encounters in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, earning a Certificate from the Harvard School of Public Health (1995).
In Exopolitics, while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute, Alfred served as director of the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, as well as a Disclosure Project witness in 2001.
In public affairs and politics, Alfred served as a Member, Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness, State of California (1980-82); Co-Director, Assassination Information Bureau, Washington, DC, (Public interest counterintelligence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations); Elected Delegate, Texas Democratic Presidential Convention, Dallas, Texas (1996)
A leader in public broadcasting, Alfred produced the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio program in history between the Soviet Union [Russia] and the United States, nominated for an award at the UN General Assembly (1987). Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM (New York) and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on major international networks including CBC-TV, CBS-TV, CNN-TV, TruTV, PressTV, and others
“Your autobiography is, in my opinion, the 21st century equivalent of both Augustine of Hippo's Confessions, and The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Your autobiography is revolutionary (as were the autobiographies of those two individuals) in the sense that it has innovated why and how an autobiography is written.
“Similar to the two autobiographies mentioned above, in your own autobiography, you have the immense courage to share with the reader both your hardships and your achievements, throughout various phases of your current incarnation; in a candide and original manner. Your autobiography stands apart from theirs because you have written it for the altruistic reason of sharing your current "soul journey"; as a star chart, or road map, to help to inform, educate, empower, enlighten, and expand the consciousness of humanity on Earth.
“Your autobiography, My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth, is another ‘consciousness raising’ work, par excellence”
SKYPE: peaceinspace
“Download & read Journey, Exopolitics & The Omniverse”
Journey - “My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth”
Alfred Lambremont Webre (2017:
Download eBook at
Exopolitics - “Exopolitics: Politics, Government & Law in the Universe”
Alfred Lambremont Webre (2005:
Download eBook at
Download & Read Exopolitics
The Omniverse - “The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars” (2015: Inner Traditions/Bear & Co.)
by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
Download & Read The Omniverse